CN&R – 22 August 2016

CN&R Article – 25 August 2016

While I appreciate the opportunity to be interviewed by the CN&R, casting such a bright spotlight on my stance as a secular atheist is little more than distraction from anything that is actually relevant to my candidacy.

There were many other items discussed during the interview that would have made a much better first impression for many members of our community. What I DO stand for is each individual being encouraged to make their own decisions based on sound, proven evidence.

Additionally, I am not sure that working less than 50 hours of my entire life so far in a local coffee shop to make ends meet qualifies me as a “barista.”

Furthermore, where I went to high school has absolutely nothing to do with my campaign either.

I will continue to move forward and I hope that those with community concerns will continue to come to me, as I will always listen.

Thank you for your time.